EweMove Dorking & Leatherhead
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Dorking & Leatherhead Estate Agents
Let me introduce myself. I'm Graham Faulkner, your local EweMove personal agent. I haven't moved very far. I was born and bred in Epsom, met my wife Dawn and moved to Sutton, then to Dorking where we've lived for nearly 30 years now and raised our two boys. We love Dorking and Leatherhead and even now still frequently comment on how lucky we are to live in such a fantastic part of England, in the heart of the Surrey Hills and its Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
I started in property in 2002 by becoming an "accidental landlord" when we were struggling to sell the family home. We refinanced to rent it out which let us buy our current home, and then refinanced that home to start building a property portfolio which we still have and look after today. The recession of 2008 hit us quite hard and yet opportunity came knocking in 2013 when I was invited by one of the founding directors of EweMove to become a pilot franchisee and get in at the very beginning. I thought well, I'm managing my own portfolio now, so why not do it for other landlords, so I was in! It's been quite a journey from being a fledgling business where no-one knew us to the large but still growing network it is now.
Helping people move by selling or buying homes, or letting out or renting, has been quite a buzz and I love nothing better than to see people move on as they wish in their lives. It can be quite a journey sometimes, and I'm here to take on some of the stress – many times I've been the verbal stressball, but it's part of the job, and I'm happy to help (and it certainly does help!). Anyway that's pretty much me. I'd love to hear your story, please do get in touch and I'll see what I can do to help.
About Dorking & Leatherhead
Both Dorking and Leatherhead are still evolving. Dorking is a true market town, and Leatherhead is very popular for the ease of access everywhere and yet both are quite commutable to London. People who know me know I love nothing better than a few beers and a curry.
In Dorking it could be The Old House first then Dorking Brasserie which in my view, is the best curry house around. Although if we drive 7 miles south to Newdigate there is the award-winning Surrey Oaks literally right opposite the Spice Tavern which is worth the effort and definitely worth a visit! In Leatherhead it would be The Running Horse as one of the oldest pubs around, followed by Five Rivers. I’d highly recommend all of those.
Try it for yourself – there are many hotels around from the cheap and cheerful to the expensive and historic, and everything in-between.
Once you get to know the area I'm very sure you’ll want to settle and never move anywhere else!