Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners
Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners
Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners
Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners
Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners
Best National Sales & Letting Agents
Three Years In a Row
Triple Winners

Anti Money Laundering Information for Sellers and Buyers

Agents are required by law to conduct anti-money laundering checks on all those selling or buying a property.Our local agents may complete these checks or outsource the initial checks to a partner supplier who will contact you, once you have agreed to instruct us in your sale, or had an offer accepted on a property you wish to buy.The cost of these checks will be advised to you by the agent before you commit to their services. These charges cover the cost of obtaining relevant data, and any manual checks and monitoring that might be required.This fee will need to be paid by you in advance of your property being published (in the case of selling) or issuing a memorandum of sale (in the case of a buyer).

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